Mornings In SoCal Don’t Suck

It’s January and I know for a lot of you out there waking up in the bitter cold of winter is unpleasant. I grew up in New Jersey and spent the early part of my career in New York City working as an attorney. Walking through the slush in my suit on the upper west side catching the 1&9 train to my office downtown on Maiden Lane - I paid my winter dues!

Not trying to rub it in, but here in SoCal it’s 8:30am, around 60 degrees and there is nothing like a walk by the beach to clear your head. The California lifestyle is what’s gotten me healthy and focused. It’s why I was able to create Elevaso and wake up every morning excited to talk about it with anyone willing to listen.

In case your didn’t know it already, Elevaso is a combo of the words “Elevar” (to raise) and “Vaso” (glass) - so while I take my morning walk, I raise my glass to each and everyone of you freezing your asses off in whatever cold place you live!!


Raise Your Glass / Live TEQurious!
Elevaso Tequila - Nacido en Mexico / Raised In SoCal


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