4 Reasons You'll Never Find Elevaso At Your Local Liquor Store

More than likely you've seen Elevaso Tequila online... Whether that's Facebook, Instagram or Google. Many of you have gone to your local liquor store, maybe even asked someone who worked there if they carried Elevaso, and you were sadly let down :( This isn't because your local liquor store doesn't want to carry us...

Below are 4 reasons why you won't be finding Elevaso at your local liquor store any time soon:

1. Big Distribution = HUGE Markup

Being in the alcohol industry means we need to full comply with U.S. laws including those from PROHIBITION in the 1920s. This means we are forced by law to use distribution companies which often charge a premium markup... Sometimes up to 30%! The benefit from a brand perspective is most of the time these big distribution companies can get your product on shelves across the country... The downside for the consumer? Most of the time that 30% markup is passed through to you. Losing a 30% margin on a product is a big cost and needs to be reallocated somewhere. This is why we self-distribute through a partner company to ensure you get the best tequila for the lowest price possible!

2. Direct Contact With Our Master Distiller + Quality Control

Our Master Distiller is Mauricio Amigon. He has over 20+ years of experience in making tequila and he is amazing at it to say the least (wait until we launch Amigon - Mauricio's personal brand of tequila). Mauricio is also our close friend. He often comes by our corporate office in Newport Beach, CA to hang out. We also go down to Jalisco, Mexico by his office to do the same thing (that being said his office is a lot more fun). Our owner and CEO, Ross Elgart, LOVES tequila and will settle for nothing less than the best. This is why having a direct line and good relationship with Mauricio is important. Ross demands perfection and selling exclusively online helps us control the inventory, experience and quality of our tequila.

3. Direct Contact With Our Customers

When you purchase Elevaso online, you become part of our family. I do all of the online marketing for Elevaso and we have grown quickly over the last year because I have direct contact with our customers. If we were sold in stores, I would have no way of knowing who was drinking our tequila. I wouldn't be able to communicate or hear about your experiences. This is very important to us as a brand! Elevaso is a lifestyle and the more feedback I get from you, the better we can improve!

4. Take Care Of Our Family

To us, our customers are family and we make sure to take care of family. Because we are exclusively online, we have been able to roll out quarterly bottle allocations, special programs, and unique releases to our customers. When you buy Elevaso, you aren't only drinking great tequila, but you are joining a community of tequila lovers!

So there you have it - 4 reasons you won't find Elevaso at your local liquor store. Now if you live in Newport Beach, CA or the surrounding area.. Shhhhh! Don't give away the local secrets, keep it in the family :)

πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ€™πŸΌ - Vince

Raise Your Glass / Live TEQurious!
Elevaso Tequila - Nacido en Mexico / Raised In SoCal


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