Another Man Date?

If you are married or have a serious girlfriend, then chances are you’ve experienced the dreaded “Man Date.” This is when your wife or girlfriend thinks it’s a good idea to go out as couples with one of her girlfriends.

So, there you are, going out to dinner with some dude you don’t even know, or barely know. WTF are you going to talk about? WTF do you have in common? Shoot me!

But, one of the perks of owning a tequila company is that everyone you meet is interested - even your man date. That conversation leads to drinking which usually leads to a good evening (or at least a bearable one).
Here is my advice - nobody wants to hear how you had a fun night drinking patron or 1942, or whatever commercialized drab you currently drink. Experience Elevaso and you’ll have something interesting to talk about. Go to a restaurant that serves Elevaso and you’ll have something to great to drink along with that convo. Or go next level and serve Elevaso at your house to your guests - that’s a baller move.
The big takeaway here - Elevaso is the cure to the dreaded man date!

Raise Your Glass / Live TEQurious!
Elevaso Tequila - Nacido en Mexico / Raised In SoCal


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